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sunnuntai 17. kesäkuuta 2012

In 1989, a guy decided a beat on a drum.

I Found this nice text from:  


In 1989, a guy decided a beat on a drum. It echo'd. 
A few years later, 
a club of nerds bought the team beating most often on the drum. 

Another few years later, and that club of nerds outcompeted another 
club of nerds eager to beat the drum. In 2000,
 there was only one guy beating on one drum,
 and the pace was slowing down significantly, 
grinding to a halt around 2002. 

But the guys previously outdrummed came back with a new performance; this time they shared the script of the performance.
 Meanwhile all the time, there was a red guy silently 
drumming on a shiny drum in the corner, and another guy drumming on a 
very shiney expensive looking laptop.

The guys offering a shop to search for new drums then decided they would like to join.
They didn't just stand there and made a new drum. 
They indeed made a new drum, but they also made new ways to beat the drum,
built loads of things to help drummers.

They decided to up the tempo and add another very shiny 
new drum. This new drum was made to be drummed very regularly. 
And they did beat the drum very regularly. 


Very, very very nice this... thanks, Ruud and others...

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