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TÄMÄ blogi sisältää pääosin omia pohdintojani ja muistiinpanoja, eikä se varmaankaan tuo kovinkaan paljon uutta DART-kielen opiskeluun. Materiaali on pääosin KOPIOITU :( Dartlang-sivustoilta, josta kannattaa KÄYDÄ TARKISTAMASSA kielen viimeiset syntaksit.

tiistai 28. elokuuta 2012

DartEditor (11434) in windows7 Vista with Problems

Cant Launch DartEditor, it can't create Settings Folder, because: "Read Only"   ??
Settled partly:  Look at the end:  

Editor 11434  Loaded To my bigger computer, HP,  OK.  (tought it was 11397---)

In smaller PB, also windows Vista, same problems contiunue...

DartEditor dont start...  It cant make its settings file to <users personal folder>
I try to move folder from my HP, no succes.
    .metadata is read only...

So, what next?   Go to work?   No.   Seems I like to be stucked with problems.  Can't leave them behind.       And I know that only stupid and lazy people use Windows.  I AM ashamed.
Any plans?  little something:

A.   Do check, what are the differencies between my 2 computers.

B.    Try, try, boy...  stuck your head to thick wall.. (never ever even dream of reading instructions).

C.     Conflicting with Eclipse?  so. settings...  And why are Dart folders full of Eclipse stuff?
         I thought i read ALL dart material, but this Eclipse thing i must have partly missed...

D.     Windows security / FireWall, and so.

E.       In HP /DartEditor I can not send FeedBack to Editor Group!  Why?
          How can i send mail directly to EditorTeam?  where can I find their GMail @ ?

..to be continued..   forever...   :)

Seems that this was all about stupid Windows Defender! 
I opened now installation file in Windows with administrative priviledges.  !!  Neither Windows or editor warned me, that I must do it.  Seems that I must now do it every time.  I AM in Windows with full administrative priviledges!  
Dart Editor is functionin, but I do not have now that    .metadata folder.  
     Maybe I should put Windows defender to sleep, when I first time install DartEditor.
In my HP-computer I do not use defender and there I did not have these problems.  

to be continued...

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