- Dart puolesta ja vastaan, hauskasti ja aggressiivisesti. Puhdas kiukku korvaa upeasti tiedon määrän.
- Tämä oli niin aggressiivisen hauskasti kirjoitettu, että täytyypä julkaista se tässä. KUN JOTAIN HAUKKUU, VAIKKAKIN KUINKA LÖYHIN PERUSTEIN, NIIN JOS SEN TEKEE HYVIN.. NIIN SILLOIN SE ON TODELLA TEHTY HYVIN. Kiitos antaumuksellisesta kirjoituksesta.
- PersonWithFakeFunnyName <GMailWithVeryFunnyName> Nov 29 09:48AM -0800
- (Name and post changed for this article)
writing this horrible programming language as the guys who slapped
together the Android SDK? If so, do humanity a favor and just stop
right now. Oh, if you could transfer them to the janitorial
department, that would be really great. YOU GUYS HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO
- AnswerToPostFrom DartGroup Jan < Nov 29 10:22AM -0800
Wow man, who stepped on your dick? Cheer up a little. We can talk about it.
What's making you so angry about Dart?
- PersonWithFakeFunnyName <GMailWithVeryFunnyName>
- Nov 29 10:38AM -0800
Other than a search engine, has google EVER put out ANYTHING that
hasn't completely sucked? I've yet to see any evidence. So now you're
going to inflict a POS language on the world that a bunch of web
morons will adopt and perpetuate the endless cycle of shit. For
instance, developers ultimately communicate with databases via web
services, and you guys don't even have a native uuid type. So what,
people will have to roll their own? How effing stupid is that? Have
any of you actually programmed IN THE REAL WORLD???
Piristää! Kiitoksia. Jääneekö tähän, vai kuulemmeko vielä lisää? Kyllä kuullaan! Koko "ihana" viestiketju on seurattavissa: http://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/group/misc/browse_thread/thread/ee34dd077551e9d4
Do you have the same genuises...
Do you have the same genuises...