DART on Googlen avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmointikieli, joka toimii verkkosivuilla ja servereissä, ja jolla voi JavaScriptiä paremmin hoitaa suurten verkkosovellusten koodaamisen. DART kielen kehitys aloitettiin 9/2011 ja 1.0-versio kielestä julkistettiin loppuvuodesta -2013. Nyt jo on olemassa lähes valmiit työkalut Chrome selainta varten. Blogger-blogien pitäjiä varten saamme ehkä kiintoisia Gadgetteja sivupalkkeihin ja muuta toiminnallisuutta verkkosivuille.
TÄMÄ blogi sisältää pääosin omia pohdintojani ja muistiinpanoja, eikä se varmaankaan tuo kovinkaan paljon uutta DART-kielen opiskeluun. Materiaali on pääosin KOPIOITU :( Dartlang-sivustoilta, josta kannattaa KÄYDÄ TARKISTAMASSA kielen viimeiset syntaksit.

torstai 24. lokakuuta 2013

Just a usual day reading & learning Dart, yesterday was Editor update to build

Seems to have very little errors & notices in code, Editor don´t do analyzing for five minutes or ten anymore.  Code is all borrowed, little blue.  My x_dont_work folder I have put to a "dont analyze" state.  Dart Web Toolkit package was most erraneous... i think.  Stopped using it, but in yaml it was stayed, deleted it now from there also.

2 full posts, 25 items of Polymer discussion, I reqd them again in Discussion group.  Checkin my DailyDart_1 Web pages, 16 pages, G+ takes most time.  Dont start editor now. it makes Windows to stuck.  Something reallo wrong in my Win... I know.  (I have a old version of Java in jre-folder, in dart-program folder)  Screen flashes & it's slow when changing from editor to web-pages.  Really don't want to touch that jre-folder... when it works at least some-way.. so let it be.
PATH-TO-JAWA...  No.. I don't want to touch that neither.. not at least till I know that I can do it in one minute time.  Now instructions for it... is a mess.
     Quite messy... yes, that it has been for a two year.. getting better with little steps & learning more...  And better now record this state of things wwhile this mess still exists.  Soon it may disappear..   Having much work to do in outer world these days... 8 hours a day... at least.. still I work with Dart at least 4  - 6 hours a day.  This is strong...

     Coffee and sandwitches are ready...  If I can take hour in silence.. I might do most of the readings.. so lets get started.  Its dark outside, not anymore -2, now it's +10, WAU!!  So.. go reading.  Co's one of my goals is, to watch how this Dart is getting it's birth.  (got only 10 minutes in silence :)  Yeah, early morning Dart.

Checking from https://code.google.com/p/dart/issues/list     110 Dart issues priority high.
233 language area issues (some have been here a long time..).   Open issues 3312, Critical 10. 37 Milestone M5 issues.  M8 issues 337.. hmmm.

http://dartlangfr.net/dart-cheat-sheet/   http://ondart.me/web_programming.md?utm_source=dartweekly&utm_medium=email   Dart education course.
https://github.com/dart-lang  https://twitter.com/dart_lang   
http://api.dartlang.org/docs/bleeding_edge/  Api reference, bleeding edge.  Observe now..

Dart news & Updates, presentations, Coockbook, tutorials,  quick check..

https://plus.google.com/communities/114566943291919232850 dartisans G+
https://plus.google.com/+dartlang/posts  Dart G+
Got new samples!  Gilad Bracha in Melbourne... aso.
** Image filters in Canvas
** A simple WebSockets example
** HTML5 Drag and Drop
** Files API

5 Dart discussion groups...   Backup this post again to Springpad..  More coffee...
8 & 7 items waiting to read in Misc & web_ui discussion...
Too much disturbance... going to coffee, and my own twitter &  G+...

To be continued... today.
Heavy day, full of other works.. only 21.30 I have time ro read some discussion.. no time for editor & packages study today.. and my dawo-package..  ou nou..
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/dart reading this and polymer about every day...
Readed two latest posts... Dart.exe is virus lol. & Cannot use point class...

Discussions ask me again load a new version of program.. why?
So it was this day.. quite bad... about 70 items not-readed in discussions...
And maybe next monday I can read them...   :(

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