DART on Googlen avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmointikieli, joka toimii verkkosivuilla ja servereissä, ja jolla voi JavaScriptiä paremmin hoitaa suurten verkkosovellusten koodaamisen. DART kielen kehitys aloitettiin 9/2011 ja 1.0-versio kielestä julkistettiin loppuvuodesta -2013. Nyt jo on olemassa lähes valmiit työkalut Chrome selainta varten. Blogger-blogien pitäjiä varten saamme ehkä kiintoisia Gadgetteja sivupalkkeihin ja muuta toiminnallisuutta verkkosivuille.
TÄMÄ blogi sisältää pääosin omia pohdintojani ja muistiinpanoja, eikä se varmaankaan tuo kovinkaan paljon uutta DART-kielen opiskeluun. Materiaali on pääosin KOPIOITU :( Dartlang-sivustoilta, josta kannattaa KÄYDÄ TARKISTAMASSA kielen viimeiset syntaksit.

tiistai 2. huhtikuuta 2013

What do I hope Dartlang to catch before 1.0 release?

Googles new Web-programming language, Dart, will soon be in it's  1.0 state.. maybe at the end of year 2013.
When i think especially new programmers, what are the language & tools, that's still missing?
What do I hope, that there will be, in 1.0 release?

      Dart team is making great work, but still there is many things to wait for:

1.  Small, simple example-programs for beginners & newcomers. Plenty of them. Examples are now much too complicated for beginners.  Like: templates, in Eclipse.

2.  Smart wizard for helping in simple & elementary syntax proglems, for people, who are first time using Dart.  Or who are first time using any programmin language.

3.  Editor; keep it simple :)   .Maybe little task / note / planning system... & MyOwnCheatSheet.
     Plugin to Eclipse works fine, when someone wants more complicated system!

4.  DTM-Dart,  Easy, simple & short Dart Tips for Mobile phone readers.

5.  DartLang calendar for to mark events, broadcasts, hangouts..to collect people together.
     This is just for fun & decoration...  Helping newcomers in quick beginning.

6.  Solving (installation) problems for Windows users, Java-plugin (?!) firewalls & so.
      I wonder if other Windows user are experiencing difficulties to start DartEditor..

7.  How-To-Use extensions for Pub-packages.  so. cover round the libraries, desktop.
     I have the package, but what do I do with it?

8.  It's spring, & summer is coming, people are moving, want to listen DartLang!  
     Need podcasts to mobile phone...  I'm working in garden & want to learn.

9. Android-App to track DartLang growing, numbers in Stack, g+, git..  how many people are involved in learning dartlang...   Nice steady growing graphics.

10.  Android-app to follow dartlang discussion in mobile phone. Or is it just my old mobile, where I can not follow it?

11.  In Dart Api:s possiblility to mark, classify, keep unread classes / pages.  Possibility to Read-Next, Read-Previous...    Now reading exp.  dart:collection is quite hard. What there is important for me?

12.  DartLang for children.  Whit new language should be also new ways to learn.  There is no reason why children in 8 or 10 years old, should not be learning programming.  Exept their envious olders.

13.  Programming should be an other language for all of us.

And language itself...  i hope better connections to databases...

not ready... quick writing...     will continue editing..

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